I'm sitting here listening to Company of Thieves, Rilo Kiley, and some old favorites. Unlike my current physical appetite, my musical appetite raves. Having been locked up for so long, I not only have not breathed fresh air in days, but I have not listened to anything new. My hospital internet connection blocks website such as Youtube, iLike, and Pandora, which (along with facebook) could be my connection to the outside world. Instead, I sit here all day and feel horrible, sleep, watch one of my four channels on the tv (I know, wide variety), and peruse the virtual world of facebook. So, I uploaded some pictures from my recent concert going--no, not Chairlift. I had to miss that one because of my ailing health. These ones come from the masterful stylings of Brandon Boyd and his amazing band, Incubus. Love these guys--one of the best shows I've been to thus far:
These guys are amazing. It actually amazes me that after all these years I still have not seen Incubus in concert until now. It was an experience to say the least. Even sick. It was an experience. Next up???
Company of Thieves @
The Beachland Ballroom [Cleveland, OH.]
August 16th, 8p
I love it. I first heard about this band from a very music experienced friend from school--Haley, who actually presented me with the opportunity to be able to work with Sony. She gave me the album and I loved it. Now--health permitting--I will be able to get to the concert in T minus five days at the Beachland Ballroom. Very excited :]

That's it for now. There's only so much my sick and overloaded mind can take at one time.
Music calls us home.
The Beachland Ballroom [Cleveland, OH.]
August 16th, 8p
I love it. I first heard about this band from a very music experienced friend from school--Haley, who actually presented me with the opportunity to be able to work with Sony. She gave me the album and I loved it. Now--health permitting--I will be able to get to the concert in T minus five days at the Beachland Ballroom. Very excited :]

That's it for now. There's only so much my sick and overloaded mind can take at one time.
Music calls us home.
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